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Saturday, August 30, 2003

What am I doing in the office on Saturday evening? I must print out something and the file is in the office, so like it or not, I have to be in the office and the best part is I've got to deliver the print-out to PI in the middle of heavy traffic jam.

While waiting for the printing, I read a post on soul mate, wow, what a tough subject! Anybody believe in a soul mate? Let me tell u a story:

There is a friend of mine. He went to church every week with his girlfriend for a year or two. Every single week during the time, they went to church together, had lunch together, fooled around together and you know what happened? They broke up.

My friend tried to convince himself that he was in love with the girl and she was the right one although deep inside he realized that there was no chemistry. When he met her, it was like a routine, same activities, same boring conversation; she talked about her life at work and he listened, many times without comments.

Realizing that the situation's not healthy, not knowing where the relationship's heading, meanwhile time ran so fast, he decided to have a talk with her, pouring out things he had to say.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Love is a feeling you feel when you feel you're going to feel a feeling you've never felt before.

It's important not to draw lines around yourself. That is, if someone wants you to go to a boxing match, you should not say 'How vulgar, I don't go to boxing matches'. Or I'm not interesting in accountancy. I am a musician'. You should try to find out a bit about what is going on in other fields. (SI Hayakawa)

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