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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Years ago, life was simpler, easier, with no worries and with less burden. It was a quality beautiful life. I remember to have no worries and things worked out as they should have been.

But as life continues, that beautiful life fades away. Worries start to fill in your life. Life becomes complicated, with intolerable burdens.

Trying to be back to the old times seems impossible. I’ll try, try and try. I know I can’t do it myself and that’s why I need you…

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I have got my free parking sticker from Atmajaya. With the sticker attached on the windscreen of my car, I don’t have to pay for parking at Atmajaya. I usually spend about 3 hours there teaching. It saves me Rp. 3000,- :) It saves me even more when I attend a meeting there. I should have asked for the sticker earlier.

Monday, September 04, 2006

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