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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I try to forget her, really, I have tried but it's not that easy. It's not that I don't like her or I don't care about her or any negative reasons you can think of but on the contrary, I do care about her.

She is still very young and I think she must focus......(to be continued)

Monday, September 24, 2012

She asked me to give her things to her friend instead of herself. I was confused.

It's like I have bought her the things but I can't even give them directly but must thru somebody's hands.The feel is different, you know. I would like to see her expression when she gets her things. Will she just smile? say thanks? both? laugh? jump? be quite?

But, she has her own reasons. Unacceptable, too paranoid... It's like we have been doing something forbidden. Have we???

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

While we were in Singapore, I took Bastian to eye doctor to see if his right eye hit by a pencil months ago is getting better.

The doctor suggested that he must wear his glasses when reading or playing games to avoid his right eye becoming lazy eye.

Poor Bastian. I can't stop blaming, blaming myself, my wife, Bastian.....

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