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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

A friend of mine has a so-called girlfriend. One day, instead of going out with her girlfriend, he made excuses and went out with another friend. It’s not that he wanted to betray his girlfriend but he just wanted to spend time with other friends. I wonder how can he prefer to spend time with other friends and not with his girlfriend? What’s in his mind is not easy to digest. Even sometimes, I don’t understand him.

Let me continue the story. My friend made an appointment with his girl friend to have a dinner and they agreed to meet up. Never cross in his mind that he would meet his girlfriend while he was with his friend but it happened. What a coincidence! He was walking with his friend heading to a parking lot when his girlfriend passed by in a car. Shocked, instead of parking, she moved on.

Not a minute later, his mobile phone rang. It was his girlfriend. It’s like my friend was caught in the act but it’s not. He did nothing wrong.

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