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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


You will need 'tempra' (paracetamol, baby's dose) when your baby's temperature reaches 37.5 C. Below that, you only need to monitor it. Make sure you have at least two temperature readers to compare the result. It's even better if you have two different kind of readers: thru ears and thru armpits. Babies' normal temperature shall be about 35 - 36 C. When you fell that your baby is hot, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. There must be something wrong with him. It could be viruses or who-knows-what. A paediatrician shall make a right diagnosis. Your first attempt is to control his heat (giving tempra, giving him a compress), your second step is to bring him to see a doctor asap. Never make your own diagnosis.
Andrew was infected by a virus because he was too tired, making his condition weak. He had fever and his temperature was over 37.5 C. He is ok now and is scheduled to get his delayed immunization next week. One more thing, never let your baby get a vaccine when he is not well.
Sent with SnapperMail
www.snappermail.com while waiting to see a dentist

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