Friday, January 27, 2006
Methergine (generic: Methylergonovine Maleate)
Management after delivery of placenta; postpartum atony and hemorrhage;
subinvolution; under full obstetric supervision, may be given in second
stage of labor following delivery of the anterior shoulder.
Acts directly on smooth muscle of the uterus and increases tone, rate, and
amplitude of rhythmic contractions, thereby inducing a rapid and sustained
tetanic uterotonic effect that shortens the third stage of labor and
reduces blood loss.
My wife is given this drug after the operation. She is in pain now. The
drug causes contraction in her uterus and she feels as if she's going to
give birth. The drug is used to make her uterus back to its normal size
after caesarean section. I don't think normal delivery will need this drug.
I can't stand seeing her in pain.
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