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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I like Lippo Group. Lippo is a conglomerate that cares to build hospitals and schools.

Siloam hospitals are located in Karawaci, Kebun Jeruk and Cikarang and personally I think they are managed profesionally although some think Siloam hospitals are too expensive.

UPH (Univesitas Pelita Harapan) and SPH (Sekolah Pelita Harapan) are schools managed by Lippo. Although UPH is a new player, it develops very fast and now it competes with long-time players in education industry such as Binus, Trisakti and Untar.

Running hospitals and schools is something. It’s a business but with social responsibility. Lippo Group is something, I must admit.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Starting today, Andrew no longer wears diapers when he goes to sleep. He is 3.2 years old. I will get up and accompany him to urinate in the midnight.

'Andrew doesn't want to wear diapers, Andrew is big now'. he said. 'Ok, wake me up when you feel like urinating', that's what I told him.

At least I save money for not having to buy diapers for him. Diapers are not cheap. But, his brother, Bastian still needs diapers, at least for one more year.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Bull Framework, the best system to explain the subtleties of the English tense-aspect system at the discourse level. (It should be used only with intermediate and advanced-level students because of its complexity.)

More on The Bull Framework is here.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Indosat is introducing Blackberry 8300 and Blackberry 8800. Blackberry is a PDA (Personal Digital Assitant) cum mobile phone, a product by RIM (Research in Motion). Its main feature is a push e-mail.Other PDA products usually don't support push e-mail and I think that's why Blackberry gains its popularity fast.

Besides push e-mail, I don't see any advantages of using a Blacberry product. Compared with my Treo 680, a palm operating system product by Palm Inc., I still love my Treo 680. Treo 680 can make use of thousands of softwares available, starting from dictionaries to sophisticated games. Blackberry? I doubt it. It's a new product and basically it's operating system is not widely supported.

I-gps and I-stock bundled by Indosat into Blackberry are not new. I-stock is a program to monitor stocks in JSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange) from your PDA. I have been accessing stocks from my Treo 680 for months. Basically, any PDA products or even any latest mobile phones with GPRS connection can do this.

In the meantime, I will stick to my Treo680. Push e-mail is not for me yet. Anyway, I can still access my e-mails by pulling them using my Treo 680 with GPRS connection. :)

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