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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Indosat is introducing Blackberry 8300 and Blackberry 8800. Blackberry is a PDA (Personal Digital Assitant) cum mobile phone, a product by RIM (Research in Motion). Its main feature is a push e-mail.Other PDA products usually don't support push e-mail and I think that's why Blackberry gains its popularity fast.

Besides push e-mail, I don't see any advantages of using a Blacberry product. Compared with my Treo 680, a palm operating system product by Palm Inc., I still love my Treo 680. Treo 680 can make use of thousands of softwares available, starting from dictionaries to sophisticated games. Blackberry? I doubt it. It's a new product and basically it's operating system is not widely supported.

I-gps and I-stock bundled by Indosat into Blackberry are not new. I-stock is a program to monitor stocks in JSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange) from your PDA. I have been accessing stocks from my Treo 680 for months. Basically, any PDA products or even any latest mobile phones with GPRS connection can do this.

In the meantime, I will stick to my Treo680. Push e-mail is not for me yet. Anyway, I can still access my e-mails by pulling them using my Treo 680 with GPRS connection. :)

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