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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

This equipment is called Multi Slice CT (Computer Tomography) Scanner. Clinic Waringin Medika at Jl. Jusuf Adiwinata No. 34, Menteng is the first to have it in Indonesia. What it has is a 64-slice CT Scanner, the latest one, compared with a 16-slice CT Scanner that owned by RS Harapan Kita.

A single heart check at the clinic will cost you six million rupiahs, full body check would be fifteen million rupiahs. Very expensive, right? But by using the scanner, a patient doesn’t need to undergo cardiac catheterization to check for arterial blocks. Cardiac catheterization is a risky procedure, it is an operation to put in a thin tube from the groin area, near the thigh. At RS Harapan Kita, a single check is two million rupiahs. I am not sure whether a 16-slice is able to check for arterial blocks.

Technology is expensive, therefore, stay healthy, control your menu and do exercises. Arterial blocks is so scary…

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Yahoo Messanger 

My yahoo messanger is down. It'll be down forever unless I have my computer operating system re-installed. Re-installing an os is a major action, dealing with backing up my working files, so I prefer not to use ym.
It was my fault to install a beta version of ym7 the other day. Ym7 copied some files into my system and couldn't be tracked. Uninstalling it and re-installing ym6 didn't work out.
I have activated my msn messanger. If you also use it, pls add me at andrehyg@hotmail.com. Alternatively, e-mail me lor, I miss talking with you.
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Sunday, May 22, 2005


This Sunday morning, together with my wife, we were assigned to help in our church, St. Kristoforus. Our task's to collect offering from church-goers. Of course, we worked with other members of the team.
We were ready in the church half an hour before the mass began at 8 o'clock. I stood up standby during the mass. The church's fully occupied, letting no seat empty.
The mass ended at 9 am something. We proceeded to count the offering, amounting about 7 million rupiahs. Not bad, right?
I am really happy to be able to help. Having to get up early's nothing compared with the joy of inhaling morning fresh air. Besides, life needs a balance, give and take, yin and yang.
Sent with SnapperMail

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This new website I found, www.flickr.com, for publishing photos in blogs is quite practical. Usually, I count on a software of www.hello.com to publish photos but it has been down for a while and I couldn’t publish anything whereas these photos need to be published urgently.

The two services offer different ways in publishing photos. Flickr doesn’t need a software for publishing while hello.com requires us to download a software and install it first. Which one is better? Both are ok and I can use both of them in turn.

Simply upload photos without having to resize them, the rest will be taken care.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by andrehyg.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Originally uploaded by andrehyg.

Originally uploaded by andrehyg.

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