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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Attended an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting for the first time. I think most of the attendees are there just for free lunch. I chatted with some of the attendees and they didn’t care about the agenda. Some of them only hold one lot of shares. If the price per share is Rp. 100,- , and one lot is equal to 500 shares, then with Rp. 50.000,-, one is entitled to present at the meeting as a shareholder.

They are professional, what I mean here is they will attend to all shareholders’ meeting, extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, public expose held by public companies. Since they have at least one lot of shares of most of the public companies, they are entitled to attend. For your information, most of the events mentioned above are held in five star hotels. Usually free gifts and products of the companies as well as lunch are provided.

The craziest thing I saw there was an old couple filling their plastic bag with food provided for lunch. Beef, lamb, fried chicken, even fried noodle were all into the bag. They didn’t care of others looking at them, cool and undisturbed. They must have done this very often. I was standing next to them, totally stunned.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Articles in Newsweek on Pope wearing Prada loafers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Glad that I have a chance to have dinner with 13 bishops. A rare opportunity, don’t you think? Most grateful to my boss for the opportunity.

Together in one room with them surely will increase my positive energy.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Bank Mandiri is offering gross interest of 13% p.a plus so-called incentive of 1.5% p.a. nett. If you have a hundred million, you will get Rp. 125.000,- in advance and a monthly interest of about Rp. 800.000,- at the end the month. In total, Rp. 925.000,- should be added to your bank account.

That’s the best return you can get for this month, I believe. Other major banks only offer less than 13% and without incentive. Next month, BI rate is predicted to be higher due to high inflation and therefore bank interest should follow suit.

Let’s see next month. Will Bank Mandiri still give the best offer or other banks too?

Monday, November 14, 2005

By using Gadmei TV tuner, your computer monitor, whether it’s a CRT (Chatode-Ray Tube) or a TFT (Thin Film Transistor), will turn into a television. You don’t even have to switch on your CPU, simply power on the monitor and the tuner.

If you have a computer at home, why not turn it into a TV. Gadmei is a product of China and as other products of China, it is affordable. Give it a try…

Monday, November 07, 2005

Four days without a nanny exhausted me, not to mention my wife. Andrew is so active now, walking and running, grabbing things. We have to accompany him all the time except when he is sleeping. The problem is his sleeping time is getting less and less. He prefers playing than sleeping. Only when he is so tired and we force him to sleep, he will sleep.

At night, we have to give him his milk twice: 10.30 and 04.30. It means we have to sleep later and get up earlier. Although my wife handles this, it still disturbs me because of the alarm :) And sometimes, Andrew wakes up in the middle of the night and cries.

Babysitting is not easy especially when you are not used to. It may be a different case if you babysit your baby since his birth.

BUZZ!!! ym1: yes; ym2 :ini ym1 ya?; ym1:ya, siapa nih? D; ym2: temennya ym2; ym1: oh, H? ym2: siapa tuh?; ym1: temannya ym2; ym2: oh…, emang ada karyawan sini namanya H?; ym1: gak sih, kirain lagi datang jemput; ym2: jemput siapa? Jemput ym2?; ym1: iyalah, masa jemput F?;ym2: H itu siapa?; ym1: temannya ym2, I told you already; ym2: setau saya H itu nama supir?; ym1: oh, bukan itu; ym2: ini ym1 kan?; ym1: bukan, ym1 temannya ym2, iyalah, who else?; ym2: nah, kan… bener tebakan saya, kok belum pulang? Di sini aja udah sepi; ym1: ini siapa? F, D or?; ym2: mereka sudah pulang; ym1: so?; ym2: kamu suka pisang goreng ga?; ym1: ??; ym2: saya lagi makan, eh kamu punya blog ya? saya liat di internet historynya ym2, menarik juga blog kamu, kok kamu kasih link ke ym2? Jgn2 ym2 pacar kamu ya? maaf loh, saya bertanya soal pribadi, kalau tdk mau dijawab gak apa

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