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Saturday, April 30, 2005


E-books are getting common. Almost all bestsellers have their electronic version, ranging from novels to non-fiction books including dictionaries.
I've just purchased an e-dictionary to be installed in my palm-based Treo 600 from www.mobipocket.com. Oxford Collocations costs me usd 25. Actually I've already had the hard copy but having it mobile with me enables me to access it immediately at anytime. What a great advantage and I don't mind spending usd 25 on it.I am planning to purchase another title soon. It is Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary. By having these e-dictionaries, writing on the move will be more convenient.
Sent with SnapperMail while waiting to see a dentist again

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


You will need 'tempra' (paracetamol, baby's dose) when your baby's temperature reaches 37.5 C. Below that, you only need to monitor it. Make sure you have at least two temperature readers to compare the result. It's even better if you have two different kind of readers: thru ears and thru armpits. Babies' normal temperature shall be about 35 - 36 C. When you fell that your baby is hot, make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. There must be something wrong with him. It could be viruses or who-knows-what. A paediatrician shall make a right diagnosis. Your first attempt is to control his heat (giving tempra, giving him a compress), your second step is to bring him to see a doctor asap. Never make your own diagnosis.
Andrew was infected by a virus because he was too tired, making his condition weak. He had fever and his temperature was over 37.5 C. He is ok now and is scheduled to get his delayed immunization next week. One more thing, never let your baby get a vaccine when he is not well.
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www.snappermail.com while waiting to see a dentist

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Spending in Singapore 

How much do I spend for our recent trip to Singapore? Air tickets cost me about usd 350 plus fiscal tax for 2 persons, 2 million rupiahs. Accomodation is free because we stay at my wife's sister apartment at Costa Rhu.
Other expenses including shopping, gifts, meals are not that much. Books cost me more :
If you are still single, you'd better travel more often. Once u're married,
travelling will cost you much more.
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while waiting at Hotel Mulia for a meeting

Friday, April 15, 2005

Trip to Singapore 

Just back from my 4 night trip to Singapore with my family. Bringing along a seven month baby is not an easy task. My hands still hurt, having to carry and take care of Andrew, without help from a nanny, only me and my wife. My salute to any couples who raise their children without using a nanny.
Now that I have experienced taking abroad a baby, I won't do it again. I will never take a baby less than a year abroad. It's just too complicated and tiring. We have to watch Andrew all the time, prepare his meals and feed him, carry him, bath him, put himto sleep. We even have to take turn to have our meals. Baby is also very fragile and easily get sick. Weather change, being too tired are factors that can effect a baby's condition. Andrew caught flu.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My son is learning to sit, unstable and keep falling every few minutes. He is growing :) . He has been eating salmon porridge for a month. We always try to get fresh salmon and if we cannot get one, Andrew will have to eat vegetable porridge.

Andrew must consume soft food. Consequently, preparing porridge for him takes two steps: cooking it and softening it by putting into a blender. Starting next month, we will try not using a blender for his porridge, instead, cooking it longer.

Andrew also consumes biscuits. Luckily, her auntie, Nina, always brings him biscuits every time she’s back from travelling. Lucky him because I won’t him biscuits. I always think he has enough with his main food but my wife think differently. She thinks that Andrew needs snacks.

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