Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Seribu Kelereng
Semakin tua, saya semakin menikmati hari Sabtu pagi. Mungkin karena rasa
kesendirian yang tenang karena menjadi orang pertama yang bangun terlebih
dahulu atau karena rasa senang karena tidak perlu masuk kerja. Bagaimanapun
juga, Sabtu pagi memang paling menyenangkan.
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, saya berjalan ke dapur sambil memegang secangkir
kopi, sementara tangan yang satu lagi memegang koran. Sabtu pagi yang biasa
berubah menjadi suatu pelajaran hidup. Mari saya ceritakan.
Saya membesarkan volume radio supaya dapat mendengar talk-show Sabtu pagi.
Saya mendengar suara laki-laki yang merdu, seperti suara seorang penyiar.
Dia sedang membicarakan "seribu kelereng" kepada seseorang yang bernama
Tom. Saya tertarik dan duduk mendengarkan.
"Baiklah, Tom, sepertinya anda sibuk dengan pekerjaan. Saya yakin anda
digaji tinggi tetapi sayang sekali seringkali anda harus jauh dari rumah
dan keluarga.
Dia melanjutkan, " Tom, saya akan ceritakan sesuatu yang membantu saya
melihat perspektif prioritas-prioritas saya."
Maka dia mulai menjelaskan teorinya tentang "seribu kelereng".
"Suatu hari saya duduk dan sedikit berhitung. Rata-rata manusia hidup
sampai umur 75 tahun. Saya tahu ada yang lebih dan ada yang kurang dari itu
tetapi rata-rata manusia hidup sampai umur 75 tahun."
"Sekarang, saya mengalikan 75 dengan 52 minggu sehingga menjadi 3900 yaitu
jumlah hari Sabtu yang dimiliki seseorang dalam hidupnya. Sekarang
dengarkan Tom, ini bagian yang penting. Saya baru memikirkan ini setelah
berumur 55 tahun, " lanjutnya, " dan berarti saya sudah hidup melewati 2800
kali Sabtu.
Saya berpikir kalau saya hidup sampai umur 75 tahun, tinggal sekitar 1000
kali Sabtu lagi yang bisa saya nikmati.
"Maka saya pergi ke toko boneka dan membeli kelereng. Saya sampai
mengunjungi tiga toko untuk mengumpulkan 1000 kelereng. Saya bawa pulang
dan memasukkannya dalam kotak plastik besar dan saya letakkan di samping
radio. Sejak itu, setiap Sabtu pagi, saya mengeluarkan satu kelereng dan
"Dengan melihat kelereng berkurang, saya lebih fokus pada hal-hal penting
dalam hidup. Melihat waktu Anda semakin berkurang di bumi ini membantu Anda
membuat prioritas."
"Saya beritahu sesuatu sebelum saya undur diri dan mengajak istri saya
sarapan. Pagi ini, saya mengeluarkan kelereng terakhir dari kotak
plastiknya. Saya pikir apabila saya baru mengeluarkannya Sabtu depan, maka
saya akan mempunyai waktu lebih. Dan yang kita semua inginkan adalah lebih
banyak waktu".
"Senang berbincang dengan Anda, Tom. Saya harap Anda meluangkan lebih
banyak waktu dengan orang-orang tersayang dan saya harap kita bertemu lain
di lain waktu. Selamat pagi!"
Anda tertegun saat dia selesai bicara. Bahkan pengarah acara pun tertegun.
Saya kira dia membuat kita semua berpikir. Saya telah merencanakan untuk
bekerja pagi ini lalu pergi ke gym. Sebagai gantinya, saya langsung naik ke
loteng dan membangunkan istri saya dengan menciumnya. "Ayo, sayang, kita
sarapan keluar dengan anak-anak".
"Ada apa ini?" dia bertanya sambil tersenyum.
"Gak ada apa-apa, udah lama kita tidak sarapan dengan anak-anak. Eh, nanti
sekalian kita mampir ke toko boneka. Saya mau membeli kelereng."
Hidup terlalu singkat untuk disia-siakan, nikmati hari Sabtu Anda!
(Nina e-mailed the above story to me)
Semakin tua, saya semakin menikmati hari Sabtu pagi. Mungkin karena rasa
kesendirian yang tenang karena menjadi orang pertama yang bangun terlebih
dahulu atau karena rasa senang karena tidak perlu masuk kerja. Bagaimanapun
juga, Sabtu pagi memang paling menyenangkan.
Beberapa minggu yang lalu, saya berjalan ke dapur sambil memegang secangkir
kopi, sementara tangan yang satu lagi memegang koran. Sabtu pagi yang biasa
berubah menjadi suatu pelajaran hidup. Mari saya ceritakan.
Saya membesarkan volume radio supaya dapat mendengar talk-show Sabtu pagi.
Saya mendengar suara laki-laki yang merdu, seperti suara seorang penyiar.
Dia sedang membicarakan "seribu kelereng" kepada seseorang yang bernama
Tom. Saya tertarik dan duduk mendengarkan.
"Baiklah, Tom, sepertinya anda sibuk dengan pekerjaan. Saya yakin anda
digaji tinggi tetapi sayang sekali seringkali anda harus jauh dari rumah
dan keluarga.
Dia melanjutkan, " Tom, saya akan ceritakan sesuatu yang membantu saya
melihat perspektif prioritas-prioritas saya."
Maka dia mulai menjelaskan teorinya tentang "seribu kelereng".
"Suatu hari saya duduk dan sedikit berhitung. Rata-rata manusia hidup
sampai umur 75 tahun. Saya tahu ada yang lebih dan ada yang kurang dari itu
tetapi rata-rata manusia hidup sampai umur 75 tahun."
"Sekarang, saya mengalikan 75 dengan 52 minggu sehingga menjadi 3900 yaitu
jumlah hari Sabtu yang dimiliki seseorang dalam hidupnya. Sekarang
dengarkan Tom, ini bagian yang penting. Saya baru memikirkan ini setelah
berumur 55 tahun, " lanjutnya, " dan berarti saya sudah hidup melewati 2800
kali Sabtu.
Saya berpikir kalau saya hidup sampai umur 75 tahun, tinggal sekitar 1000
kali Sabtu lagi yang bisa saya nikmati.
"Maka saya pergi ke toko boneka dan membeli kelereng. Saya sampai
mengunjungi tiga toko untuk mengumpulkan 1000 kelereng. Saya bawa pulang
dan memasukkannya dalam kotak plastik besar dan saya letakkan di samping
radio. Sejak itu, setiap Sabtu pagi, saya mengeluarkan satu kelereng dan
"Dengan melihat kelereng berkurang, saya lebih fokus pada hal-hal penting
dalam hidup. Melihat waktu Anda semakin berkurang di bumi ini membantu Anda
membuat prioritas."
"Saya beritahu sesuatu sebelum saya undur diri dan mengajak istri saya
sarapan. Pagi ini, saya mengeluarkan kelereng terakhir dari kotak
plastiknya. Saya pikir apabila saya baru mengeluarkannya Sabtu depan, maka
saya akan mempunyai waktu lebih. Dan yang kita semua inginkan adalah lebih
banyak waktu".
"Senang berbincang dengan Anda, Tom. Saya harap Anda meluangkan lebih
banyak waktu dengan orang-orang tersayang dan saya harap kita bertemu lain
di lain waktu. Selamat pagi!"
Anda tertegun saat dia selesai bicara. Bahkan pengarah acara pun tertegun.
Saya kira dia membuat kita semua berpikir. Saya telah merencanakan untuk
bekerja pagi ini lalu pergi ke gym. Sebagai gantinya, saya langsung naik ke
loteng dan membangunkan istri saya dengan menciumnya. "Ayo, sayang, kita
sarapan keluar dengan anak-anak".
"Ada apa ini?" dia bertanya sambil tersenyum.
"Gak ada apa-apa, udah lama kita tidak sarapan dengan anak-anak. Eh, nanti
sekalian kita mampir ke toko boneka. Saya mau membeli kelereng."
Hidup terlalu singkat untuk disia-siakan, nikmati hari Sabtu Anda!
(Nina e-mailed the above story to me)
Monday, November 29, 2004
My mom has been sick for two days. She has a feeling of nausea, she loses her appetite and she vomits. We guess that it’s because of the side effects of Digoxin, one of the medicines she takes. Digoxin is taken to correct her heart beat’s rhythm.My mom takes about 7 to 8 medicines in the morning, 2 in the noon and 3 at night. Hopefully it is the side effect, not other effects.
My brother is taking her to see the doctor now. Hope everything’s fine. My mom worries a lot and with her present condition, she worries even more. She looks weaker and weaker. Poor her. Wish I could do something to ease her worries. (sigh).
My brother is taking her to see the doctor now. Hope everything’s fine. My mom worries a lot and with her present condition, she worries even more. She looks weaker and weaker. Poor her. Wish I could do something to ease her worries. (sigh).
Friday, November 26, 2004
My nanny gets flu, so does my wife. Now I am concerned with Andrew. I myself is getting flu but my interaction with him is limited, unlike my wife and the nanny. Both of them have already wore masks but you never know how germs transfer from one place to another. It could through your hands, your clothes.
The best anticipation we could do know is to limit physical interaction with him. Trying to get him to sleep as much as possible is one of the way, I think. Giving him vitamin and breastfeeding him are to make him strong.
The best anticipation we could do know is to limit physical interaction with him. Trying to get him to sleep as much as possible is one of the way, I think. Giving him vitamin and breastfeeding him are to make him strong.
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Below is translation of a song titled Con te Partiro (Time to Say Goodbye) sung by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman. I am still polishing the translation, trying to get inputs because it’s like a poem and therefore the translation is not that easy.
Time to Say Goodbye
Saat sendiri
Kubayangkan kaki langit
Yang tak terlukiskan dengan kata-kata
Tiada cahaya dalam ruang yang tidak ada matahari
Bila kau tak bersamaku
Dari jendela terbukalah hatiku yang telah kau taklukkan
Kau telah menuangkan cahaya kepadaku
Cahaya yang kau temukan di jalan
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Ke tempat yang belum pernah kusinggah dan berbagi bersamamu
Ku kan berlayar bersamamu mengarungi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Saat kau jauh
Kubayangkan kaki langit
Yang tak terlukiskan dengan kata-kata
Dan ku tahu engkau di sisiku
Engkau, rembulanku
Engkau, matahariku
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Ke tempat yang belum pernah kusinggah dan berbagi bersamamu
Sekarang ku kan berlayar bersamamu mengarungi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Bersamamu kan ku alami lagi
Aku akan bersamamu di atas kapal menyeberangi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Bersamamu kan ku alami lagi
Ku kan pergi bersamamu
Kau dan aku.
Time to Say Goodbye
Saat sendiri
Kubayangkan kaki langit
Yang tak terlukiskan dengan kata-kata
Tiada cahaya dalam ruang yang tidak ada matahari
Bila kau tak bersamaku
Dari jendela terbukalah hatiku yang telah kau taklukkan
Kau telah menuangkan cahaya kepadaku
Cahaya yang kau temukan di jalan
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Ke tempat yang belum pernah kusinggah dan berbagi bersamamu
Ku kan berlayar bersamamu mengarungi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Saat kau jauh
Kubayangkan kaki langit
Yang tak terlukiskan dengan kata-kata
Dan ku tahu engkau di sisiku
Engkau, rembulanku
Engkau, matahariku
Saatnya kuucapkan selamat tinggal
Ke tempat yang belum pernah kusinggah dan berbagi bersamamu
Sekarang ku kan berlayar bersamamu mengarungi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Bersamamu kan ku alami lagi
Aku akan bersamamu di atas kapal menyeberangi samudra
Samudra yang telah tiada
Bersamamu kan ku alami lagi
Ku kan pergi bersamamu
Kau dan aku.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
My wife and I bought a Casio Exilim EX-Z40 as a birthday gift for Jason, our nephew and it serves also as a welcome gift for Jeffery, our newborn nephew. My brother has been searching for slim digital cameras and has not decided which brand to buy. Since the timing has never been that perfect, we decide to buy him one as a gift.
We have two options to choose, Casio Exilim EX-Z40 or Pentax Optio S4i. Both belong to slim digital camera’s family. We finally choose Casio because of its discounted competitive price.
I like a slim digital cameras because it’s easy to carry whereever you go and therefore it’s ready to use whenever you need it. After all, we are not professional photographers and a 4 megapixels camera is more than enough.
Hope my brother like it and can make use of it to take pictures of his sons, in any occasions.
We have two options to choose, Casio Exilim EX-Z40 or Pentax Optio S4i. Both belong to slim digital camera’s family. We finally choose Casio because of its discounted competitive price.
I like a slim digital cameras because it’s easy to carry whereever you go and therefore it’s ready to use whenever you need it. After all, we are not professional photographers and a 4 megapixels camera is more than enough.
Hope my brother like it and can make use of it to take pictures of his sons, in any occasions.
Monday, November 22, 2004
My Canon IXUS 400, oops, my wife’s Canon IXUS 400 is not working properly. Everytime an error message reading ‘memory card error’ appears when I turn the camera on. At first, I thought that my Compact Flash memory card is broken but then I buy a new one and the same problem is still there. There must be something wrong with the parts handling the CF card.
This morning I called the Canon digital camera service centre. I have to bring the camera there. The problem is the guarantee period is due and therefore I have to pay for spare parts and service fee.
Life without a digital camera is silent. Why? I cannot publish photos here. Although I don’t like taking pictures but my wife does. I just have to pick ready-taken pictures and simply publish them :)
This morning I called the Canon digital camera service centre. I have to bring the camera there. The problem is the guarantee period is due and therefore I have to pay for spare parts and service fee.
Life without a digital camera is silent. Why? I cannot publish photos here. Although I don’t like taking pictures but my wife does. I just have to pick ready-taken pictures and simply publish them :)
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Yesterday I went home earlier because both my son and my mom were scheduled to see their doctors. My son had to do his vaccination and my mom had to see her cardiologist to renew the prescription.
I arrived at the pediatrician at 5 pm and got our turn at about 6 pm. My son got two shots and one drop and it cost me Rp. 450.000,-. Why are doctors so expensive nowadays? At 7 pm I arrived home, having my dinner and at 8.30 pm I drove my mom to her cardiologist. We arrived at 9 something. I turned out that the waiting patients are quite many. We got our turn at 10.30 pm. The cardiologist is so patient and kind. He prescribed 8 (eight) medicines for my mom including one vitamin for a month's dose. Must be more than a million rupiah, easily predicted.
We arrived home at eleven something. My mom was tired, so was I. My son was asleep. An hour later, I myself went to bed.
I arrived at the pediatrician at 5 pm and got our turn at about 6 pm. My son got two shots and one drop and it cost me Rp. 450.000,-. Why are doctors so expensive nowadays? At 7 pm I arrived home, having my dinner and at 8.30 pm I drove my mom to her cardiologist. We arrived at 9 something. I turned out that the waiting patients are quite many. We got our turn at 10.30 pm. The cardiologist is so patient and kind. He prescribed 8 (eight) medicines for my mom including one vitamin for a month's dose. Must be more than a million rupiah, easily predicted.
We arrived home at eleven something. My mom was tired, so was I. My son was asleep. An hour later, I myself went to bed.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
My brother’s wife delivered a baby boy yesterday thru normal vaginal delivery. The baby weight 4 kgs. Both the mommy and the baby are in good condition. Congratulations for their second son. He is named Jeffry Hinardi.
I haven’t had a chance to visit them in hospital. They are going home in this one or two days.
Jeffry is just two months younger than Andrew. My mom gets two grandsons within a year.
I haven’t had a chance to visit them in hospital. They are going home in this one or two days.
Jeffry is just two months younger than Andrew. My mom gets two grandsons within a year.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Baptism Day, November 7, 2004
We got up at 7 o’clock, as usual. The first thing my wife did was to pump milk for Andrew. We planned to go to Nina’s at 10.30 am so everything had to be done quickly. Bathing Andrew, my telephone rang. Cynthia’s mom called, saying that she would drop by to drop presents for both Marco and Andrew. Cynthia is my wife’s friend who is staying in the USA. It’s so kind of her giving presents from far away.
At ten something, we were ready to go. It took us about an hour to reach Pondok Indah. There were still traffic jams on Sunday morning.
We had our lunch there. A lot of guests coming including nuns. After lunch, at about 2 pm, we headed to St. Stephanus church. It took us only about 10 minutes to reach the church. The church was still occupied by those who were rehearsing for first communion. After waiting for about half an hour, the sacrament of baptism began.
Three babies’ve been baptized. They are officially members of Catholic church. It’s their parent’s duty to raise them in a good Catholic family. Their next step is First Communion where they can learn and understand more. Time flies and without our realizing, our babies will grow.
Thank You God for everything.
We got up at 7 o’clock, as usual. The first thing my wife did was to pump milk for Andrew. We planned to go to Nina’s at 10.30 am so everything had to be done quickly. Bathing Andrew, my telephone rang. Cynthia’s mom called, saying that she would drop by to drop presents for both Marco and Andrew. Cynthia is my wife’s friend who is staying in the USA. It’s so kind of her giving presents from far away.
At ten something, we were ready to go. It took us about an hour to reach Pondok Indah. There were still traffic jams on Sunday morning.
We had our lunch there. A lot of guests coming including nuns. After lunch, at about 2 pm, we headed to St. Stephanus church. It took us only about 10 minutes to reach the church. The church was still occupied by those who were rehearsing for first communion. After waiting for about half an hour, the sacrament of baptism began.
Three babies’ve been baptized. They are officially members of Catholic church. It’s their parent’s duty to raise them in a good Catholic family. Their next step is First Communion where they can learn and understand more. Time flies and without our realizing, our babies will grow.
Thank You God for everything.
Sunday, November 07, 2004

My son, Ignatius Andrew Goutama is baptized today. He was baptized by Mgr. Petrus Canisius Mandagi, MSC, a bishop of Ambon. The Holy Eucharist and Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated by the bishop together with Rm. Pontoan and Rm. Markus. Rm. Yus was also there, doing his function as a reader.
Never cross my mind that my son is baptized by a bishop. My deepest gratitude to Pak Handoko’s family to make it happen.
Actually, today is Ignazio Marco Nugraha’s baptism day. Marco is my boss’s grandson from Nina and Nina is my wife’s best friend. Confusing? :) My wife was asked to join the Sacrament of Baptism together with Marco and Thalia, another baby.
I am happy that my son is a Catholic now. Do my best to raise him as a good Catholic. I have my responsibility.
Friday, November 05, 2004
A blog has been deleted but the memory remains.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Today, November 2nd is a day for Catholics to pray for the soul of their beloved ones. We held a mass at Stanley’s resting place to pray for his soul. Rm. Markus and Rm. Yustinus were present and they celebrated the mass. Around 50 people joined the mass including family, friends, relatives and those who on this day specially go to their beloved ones’ graves to pray. It’s so noble of my boss to hold a mass and it’s open for public. They can have their flowers and water blessed by the priest.
On the day for the souls, I pray for Stanley. May he rest in peace.
On the day for the souls, I pray for Stanley. May he rest in peace.
Monday, November 01, 2004
San San got married yesterday. I attended both the holy matrimony and the reception. Her cute face looked happy. I used to close with her many years ago but something happened and there was a gap between us ever since.
I met her parents and her sisters at the reception. I didn’t see them for years, more than 5 years, I think. I was an university student and now I am a father with a son. San San was a univesity student and now she is a wife. Time flies, miscommunication ruins everything.
I met her parents and her sisters at the reception. I didn’t see them for years, more than 5 years, I think. I was an university student and now I am a father with a son. San San was a univesity student and now she is a wife. Time flies, miscommunication ruins everything.